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Softcam Key North America

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Softcam key download
Please you lock this Satellite channel now, and you will get the all channel on IPM Group. IPM Channel on Thaicom 5 C Band and Thaicom 8 Ku Band Satellite and frequancies and Biss Key Code:
Channel Name: IPM C BAND
Satellite Name: Thaicom 5 C Band
Frequency: 3506
Polarity: V
Symbol Rate: 30000
Biss Key Code: 21 33 AA FF 21 33 AA FF
Channel Name: IPM KU BAND
Satellite Name: Thaicom 8 Ku Band
Frequency: 12604
Polarity: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 30000
Biss Key Code: 32 61 6C AA 32 61 6C AA

Softcam Keys 2018

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